Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Holy crap

Cherie Booth faces an official complaint after allowing a criminal to escape prison because of his religious beliefs.

The wife of former prime minister Tony Blair was sitting as a judge at Inner London crown court when Shamso Miah, a 25-year-old man from Redbridge, came up before her.

He had broken a man's jaw after getting involved in a fight over queue-jumping in a high street bank. Ms Booth told Miah his prison sentence would be suspended because he was a religious person and had no previous convictions.

More: http://www.politics.co.uk/news/legal-and-constitutional/cherie-blair-faces-discrimination-claim-$1357733.htm

The British Humanist Association's chief executive Andrew Copson commented: "Cherie Booth's remarks show a default assumption still made by too many in society that you are a good person if you are religious – that there is something intrinsically and self-evidently good about being religious and, conversely, that if you are non-religious you are somehow less moral."

"This is an assumption that persists despite there being no evidence whatsoever to support it."

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Jesus Fan Emulates Christ

Johnson claimed that other people had told him that the instructor is "a true sinner, fornicator, (adulterer), he defiles married women and is a peeking Tom."

Johnson said he was going to scare the instructor "and tell him to leave the women alone." To do that, he said, he would go to a lesson and "take the electric thing and go zap and scare him."

He bought the stun gun on the Internet, he said, and brought the sledgehammer to the lesson with him inside his pants.

The instructor told police that Johnson phoned for private dance lesson, and when he opened the door to his home, Johnson began to shock him repeatedly in the neck with the stun gun.

RFID 666

Actually, I might just go with the Bible on this one.
There's a prophecy in the Bible that says you'll have to receive a mark, or you can neither buy nor sell things in end times...Some people think these computer chips might be that mark.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Have Faith in Love

My own faith has eroded over the years, though my father’s belief in the supremacy of love still guides me. And so I can’t help but wonder, how can Christians not recognize and honor love that binds two people, any two people, together unto themselves? And if a priest has fulfilled her sacred duties with the distinction that persuades those to whom she would minister to elect her their bishop, and has led an open life of committed love that honors the essence of their God, why should her choice of a partner matter?

full OpEd piece here