Friday, October 19, 2007

l33t haxors pwn Coulter

Oh for the long gone time of my youth when our family were amongst the vanguard of 'home computer' owners, mainly because dad convinced mum that buying a BBC model B with the £300 he would save by doing so would act as an incentive to give up the smokes. (Nice one dad, a textbook example of blokenomics)

Not for us a Sinclair or Commodore games machine, the far more worthy BBC Micro was a serious device for learning about programing BASIC and controlling one of those perspex turtles with a felt-tip pen inside.

Perhaps our parents hoped my brother and I would become computer experts, we certainly entertained fantasies of becoming hackers and controlling ICBMs a la War Games. The reality turned out for most of us to be far more prosaic - we all use computers everyday with differing degrees of competence to do stuff.

But it would have been worth any number of late nights learning code to be able to hack Ann Coulter's website like this person did dammit.


Lauren said...

That's awesome! Whoever did that is brilliant.

Dr. Sardonic said...

The BBC Micro is just one of many ancient appliances that has more processing power than Ann Coulter.