Friday, January 16, 2009

Christian Fanfic

Athanatos Christian Ministries is proud to announce that their first annual Christian writing contest is now accepting submissions.

ACM is looking for fictional short stories that reflect and represent the Christian world view. The purpose is to raise up a generation of Christian writers who can engage our culture within the arts and compete in the secular arena (ala CS Lewis, JRR Tolkien, Dorothy Sayers, GK Chesterton, etc).

Cash prizes amount to over $2,000. College and high school students are encouraged to submit their short stories (3,000 to 7,500 words).

Two levels of competition: "High School" and "19 and Up" (college students, adults, retirees all welcome!)

Winners receive a cash award and are published in the contest anthology which is then made available through outlets such as EVERY person who submits a story gets a copy of this anthology AT NO ADDITIONAL COST.

Hosted by Athanatos Christian Ministries

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