Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Are we not men?

Not terribly shocked, but still...

According to a new Gallup poll, the majority of U.S. Republicans doubt the theory of evolution. I wish this were a slam dunk, but only 60% of Dems and Independents affirm an understanding and agreement of the scientific theory of evolution. Note, I will not use the term "believe in evolution". I think using the word "belief" is a semantic trap, which gives the creationists more footing. "You believe, so you have faith. I do, to. I just believe in different things."

The idea of equating scientific proof and faith is loathsome to me. One expects - demands - proof. The other demands unquestioning acceptance.


Anonymous said...

The definition of a good theory is something that could easily be proven wrong. I.E. Evolution could be proven wrong if we found fossils of rabbits in cambrian rocks. We don't and won't, but say we did, then evolution would be dead in the water. Believing in something because it requires faith and cannot be proven either right or wrong is just plain stoopid.

Anyway, I think most politicians say they are christians because it goes down well with the public. Well, not much in the UK, but certainly in your part of the world.

PS I am writing this in bed on our new Mac Book. Fabulous!

Chris said...

We are devo!

I don't believe in this cockamamie theory of Gravity.

I believe in Intelligent Falling.

Sysm said...

Chris - bravo!

Bob - I'm sure your wife appreciates your arousal over your Mac Book.