Thursday, August 16, 2007

How Powerful is Wiley S. Drake's God?

Wiley S. Drake, a pastor and a former national leader of the Southern Baptist Convention, called on his followers to pray for the deaths of two leaders of Americans United for Separation of Church and State.

In the 1990's, his seemingly ineffectual God failed to end both Gay Day at Disney World and 2 Live Crew.

I would suggest that if Joe Conn and Jeremy Leaming, whom Mr. Drake calls the "enemies of God" are alive in 3 days time, than Mr. Drake and his followers switch their allegiance to a more effective god (perhaps Ba'al, or Cthulu) and petition their new good to slay their former weak God.


Tits McGee said...

I prefer my Great Old Ones to be cuddly.

Also, I think you might enjoy my wish list, B.A.

ba said...

I had no idea that trees were so uninhibited! I'm off to a weekend in the woods.

yournamehere said...

Wiley S. Drake's God is just plain yella!