Having found the blog of an old friend from high school, I began doing the linky-madness thing.
Every single one of her friends' blogs made mention of two, and only two subjects: Jesus and having babies.
Rationalists will lose to the fundamentalists based on this very simple truth: they are outnumbering us. They are building an army of God-fearing Jesus freaks, and that army is coming to our schools and our neighborhood block parties.
Plus, these people all go to churches that convert into basketball courts.
We're doomed.
We need to encourage some kind of new crusade to thin out their numbers a little.
Perhaps they can hold it in France?
Either that or us atheists had better start fucking like bunnies.
Both have equal merit, though I think most of these people are afraid to travel north of the Mason Dixie Line, so Tit's plan may be more reasonable.
The unfortunate part of this is the reverse Darwinian rule. Rationalists don't have kids unless certain things are prepared: like houses, school districts, bank accounts, time, parenting classes.
Fundamentalists like getting pregnant anywhere at anytime for no good reason. It's totally the end of smart people.
The fundamentalists will surely win if the opposition adopts Fritz's view that all fundamentalists are poor rustics who procreate without discretion.
Since the late eighties, there's been a growing number of suburban "megachurches". These churches cater to the upper middle class. Their members are typically educated professionals, people who have nice houses, new cars, and few children.
I've been to one of these churches on two separate occasions for the weddings of semi-distant relatives. The message preached is ultra conservative and fundamentalist.
THESE are the people who got Bush elected twice, not a handful of snake charmers in Mississippi.
Sadly, Todd, you're right about the megachurches. It is a terrifying trend, especially considering that those churches blatantly advocate in favor of Republican candidates and actively sought to elect and re-elect GWB, which is fucking criminal because at the same time they were receiving tax-exempt status that they should not have been receiving.
Grrrrrrrrr. Now I'm all worked up. And not in the nice way.
Can we please go back to talking about fucking?
Fucking it is.
Riddle me this: as an avowed atheist (can atheists avow?) why do I still let slip an "Oh my God" when I die in that most tiny way.
Methinks the Almighty is losing his brand. Sooner or later, the word "God" will be as all-purpose as "Kleenex".
The fact that I mentioned "Kleenex" that proximate to a discussion of orgasm might be misconstrued.
Or it might not.
I'm a sad, sad man.
As I reach that peak of physical satisfaction I yell out "Random mutation over millions of years"
But then I do like my women like my whisky...
...fifteen years old and mixed up with coke
revolting I know.
Who the fuck puts coke in good whisky?
fritz: tell me you've seen Idiocracy. not even the whole movie, just the first ten minutes or so.
if not, you must. it backs you up all the way.
i inadvertantly came across the email address of my first college roomie's mom. i drop her a line, she gives me first roomie's number. i sincerely hope she isn't one of these fuck-and-pray types, but she was well on her way all those years ago.
that's blunt, but it's truly how i feel.
there were too many of those girls in the school i first attended, a shocking whole what? twelve years ago? the ones looking for god and their MRS. degree..
(sorry, i crashed your blog)
Listen to Todd! He speaks the truth!
To me there is a difference between "believers" and "seekers." A seeker attends church or church services (or stays home and reads books or watches Nova or whatever) to explore unknown possibilities and mysteries.
A "believer" thinks he/she has the answers and is duty-bound to convert those who disagree.
And I don't want to make anyone feel bad, but I've met a lot of atheists who fall into the "believer" category, too.
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