Tits - at his age, I'm pretty sure Billy Graham is in a constant state of anal leakage. But, as far as evangelists go, I do have some respect for the man. He once said, "I fully adhere to the fundamental tenets of the Christian faith for myself... but as an American, I respect other paths to God."
Miss Knit - I once had a friend ask, "Is 'Roxy' Music a particular kind of music?"
Ubie - Most of my nicest, most Christian-acting neighbors are Hindus. Other than stating their avowed belief in Christ, I would hazard to guess that most of the behaviors that you associate with being "Christian-acting" aren't inherently Christian at all. The same basic moral codes seem to exist in all cultures, whether they're religious or not. That's what metaethics is about, tracing back the development of these attitudes, and trying to draw conclusions on what drove their near universal application.
I would totally shit in Billy Graham's kitchen.
that question cannot be serious. it just can't
Here is my question:
"I am a believer, but most of my nicest, most Christian-acting friends are agnostic or atheist. How can that be?"
Tits - at his age, I'm pretty sure Billy Graham is in a constant state of anal leakage. But, as far as evangelists go, I do have some respect for the man. He once said, "I fully adhere to the fundamental tenets of the Christian faith for myself... but as an American, I respect other paths to God."
Miss Knit - I once had a friend ask, "Is 'Roxy' Music a particular kind of music?"
Ubie - Most of my nicest, most Christian-acting neighbors are Hindus. Other than stating their avowed belief in Christ, I would hazard to guess that most of the behaviors that you associate with being "Christian-acting" aren't inherently Christian at all. The same basic moral codes seem to exist in all cultures, whether they're religious or not. That's what metaethics is about, tracing back the development of these attitudes, and trying to draw conclusions on what drove their near universal application.
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