Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Well what DO you believe in?

Interesting question really... what do I believe in? Do you have to believe in something?

Quite a common post when you read one of those interminable threads full of people debating religion/atheism goes the lines of "well if you have no faith then your life is essentially empty and meaningless"

I could respond in a couple of ways. It's rather arrogant to suggest that my answer to that rather provocative statement would be similar to any other atheist's. Leaving aside the many different answers I might give about my meaningful and fulfilling secular life... does there have to be a point?

For a large portion of post-religious people in the industrialised world they put their belief and faith into something equally diaphanous. These people believe in "The Market".

"The Market will drive prosperity", "Market forces will improve our schools and hospitals". Market forces are lies that parents tell their children because they want them to grow up and become economists. The reality of the sleight of hand we are all engaged in - economics and world banking is so crazy and ultimately doomed that it strikes me as being just as odd a belief system as any other religion.

This film starts off with the very basic concept of money as an IOU, but soon describes a very worrying alternative faith that is surely going to destroy the planet if left unchecked.

It's 45mins long, but worth it.


Ubermilf said...

I didn't watch the film, but THANK YOU.

Somebody in history declared "This shiny rock is worth more than THAT shiny rock," and people scramble and pillage and die over it?

I'm not an atheist, but nor am I ANTI-atheist.

I do oppose closed minds and intolerance -- something that unfortunately zealots on both sides of the fence practice.

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with you on how, as atheists, we all have our own reasons for a happy and fulfilled life without religion. I am fed up with hearing over and over again that utter drivel that we all want to top ourselves; on the contrary, I wish to live as lengthy and full a life as possible (I’d better get on the Stair Master pretty sharpish then!).

I think the suggestion that the idea of the market economy has replaced religion in a large proportion of the secular community is rather simplistic. I think it is just there. Religious people are equally unaware and unconcerned about how our monetary systems work or the impact they have on the planet. Religious people are equally as sold on consumerism as the rest of us. They just hold their belief in the market economy in tandem with their religious beliefs.

I thought the programme was very interesting and made a lot of very good points – even if a couple were a little crude and overly doom laden. Basically they hit the nail on the head and it’s all rather sad really.

Chris said...

Glad you found it interesting.

I certainly wouldn't suggest that capitalism has replaced religion...

But it is worth noting that atheists are capable of believing in strange abstract concepts quite fervently too.

Dr. Sardonic said...

Point taken. Nice vid. Worth a look.

Harry Strongwood said...
awsome site